• 0824 305520/44
  • cnos@cerict.it

In our laboratories we perform detailed chemical and biomolecular analyses and characterizations, in different fields of application.

Contact us for any information.


  • Complete characterization of the composition and identification of raw materials
  • Semi-quantitative determination of active substances and excipients in the various formulations
  • Support for the scale-up of the chemical development process
  • Evaluation of mixture homogeneity
  • Screening of biotherapeutics
Medical balancing act. A group of medicine pills and antibiotics balacning on top of each other. 3D render illustration.
ambientale-analisi e caratterizzazioni chimiche e biomolecolari-cnos


  • Drinking water analysis
  • Soil contamination analysis
  • Screening and quantification of pesticides


  • Drinking water analysis
  • Soil contamination analysis
  • Screening and quantification of pesticides
ambientale-analisi e caratterizzazioni chimiche e biomolecolari-cnos


  • Product quality control
  • Food additives quantification
  • Supplements and organic foods composition analysis
Ovalbumin, the main protein found in egg white, making up approximately 55% of the total protein. 3d rendering.


  • Affinity studies with determination of the association constant
  • Characterization of proteins and protein complexes
  • Sequencing of peptides and identification of post-translational modifications.


  • Affinity studies with determination of the association constant
  • Characterization of proteins and protein complexes
  • Sequencing of peptides and identification of post-translational modifications.
Ovalbumin, the main protein found in egg white, making up approximately 55% of the total protein. 3d rendering.